Jack Du Brul famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • You will be better advised to watch what we do instead of what we say.

  • In other words, the propositions of philosophy are not factual, but linguistic in character - that is, they do not describe the behaviour of physical, or even mental, objects; they express definitions, or the formal consequences of definitions. Accordingly we may say that philosophy is a department of logic. For we will see that the characteristic mark of a purely logical enquiry, is that it is concerned with the formal consequences of our definitions and not with questions of empirical fact.

  • Mammootty sir is an idol for me.. His uniqueness in developing characters is quite amazing

  • But I guess I like playing flawed guys 'cause it gives a place for the characters to go.

  • Have we forgotten that there is a Holy Ghost, that we must insist upon walking on crutches when we might fly?

  • We are caught up in a paradox, one which might be called the paradox of conceptualization. The proper concepts are needed to formulate a good theory, but we need a good theory to arrive at the proper concepts.

  • It has been said of the world's history hitherto that might makes right. It is for us and for our time to reverse the maxim, and to say that right makes might.

  • I don't think so, I don't agree. The most unbearable thing I think by far, she said, is hope.

  • Many people put up with things that are unpleasant but tolerable, rather than changing them; their situation needs to become unbearable before they take action

  • The shortest distance between two points is often unbearable.