Stephen R. L. Clark famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • The selection of a book-plate is such a serious matter.

  • This is a time for serious people, Bob, and your fifteen minutes are up.

  • Long gone are the days of the stylised old James Bond films with Roger Moore karate chopping his way through the bad guys - audiences are not going to buy it anymore. The genre has got quite serious now.

  • kill animals for the purpose of feeding on their flesh is one of the most deplorable and shameful infirmities of the human state

  • Even though I was young, I could see the pain of the flesh and the worth of the pain.

  • The stones tear like flesh, rather than breaking. Although what happens is violent, it is a violence that is in stone. A tear is more unnerving than a break.

  • The wolf is carnivore incarnate and he's as cunning as he is ferocious; once he's had a taste of flesh then nothing else will do.

  • There never comes a point where a theory can be said to be true. The most that one can claim for any theory is that it has shared the successes of all its rivals and that it has passed at least one test which they have failed.

  • Many people can rightfully claim, as much as anyone can rightfully claim anything, that much of their lives have been spent stumbling through a cloud of cluelessness.

  • Democracy works when people claim it as their own