Bill Pascrell famous quotes
It is shameful that millions of Americans are suffering the economic injustice of working a full-time job and earning a wage that leaves them below the poverty line.
-- Bill Pascrell -
In an era when information can be sent instantaneously anywhere, it is utterly nonsensical that our Nation's police, the fire, and EMS personnel cannot consistently communicate with each other.
-- Bill Pascrell -
Today a minimum wage earner has to work a day and a half just to pay for a full tank of gas. That is simply shameful.
-- Bill Pascrell -
House Republican leadership have refused to allow a clean minimum wage vote. Close to 15 million Americans will be affected if we did this. Do Republicans really expect a family to live on less than $11,000 a year?
-- Bill Pascrell -
Working-class Americans have waited too long, close to a decade in fact, for an increase in the minimum wage. This has been the second longest period without a pay raise since the Federal minimum wage law was first enacted in 1938.
-- Bill Pascrell -
In the years since 9/11, more terrorists have been created through this President's policies than were captured or killed. There weren't any terrorists in Iraq in 2003, but there are now.
-- Bill Pascrell
You have to enjoy your job; you should wake up every day and love what you do... I honestly do... From the bottom of my heart to the depths of my soul. I'm truly happy.
posterity who are to reap the blessings will scarcely be able to conceive the hardships and sufferings of their ancestors.
God will judge us, Mr. Harris, by--by what we did to relieve the suffering of our fellow human beings. I don't think God cares what doctrine we embrace.
A morbid propensity that causes great suffering in domestic life is often curiously infectious to the very person for whom it creates most suffering.
If I had not felt certain that every additional trial was ordered by infinite love and mercy, I could not have survived my accumulated suffering.
To line only for some unknown future is superficial.
There is really no crisis except an artificial one...If the great American people will only keep their temper, on both sides of the line, the trouble will come to an end.
I grew up without a lot of money and my parents grew up with far less money. And that's kept me in line. Really in line.
I watched as she added a question mark at the end. Arc, line, space, dot.
Bush wasn't elected, he was selected - selected by five judges up in Washington who voted along party lines.
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