Dolores Cannon famous quotes
The awakening is the purpose. The awakening of the fact that in essence we are light, we are love. Each cell of our body, each cell and molecule of everything. The power source that runs all life is light. So to awaken to that knowledge, and to desire to operate in that realm, and to believe that it is possible, are all factors that will put you there.
-- Dolores Cannon -
There are no limitations, unless you create them yourselves. Anything is possible. You are only limited by your own imagination.
-- Dolores Cannon -
Through the process of reincarnation we have all lived on other planets and in other dimensions and we will continue to do so after our lessons on Earth have been completed. Earth is merely a school - one of many in our long education.
-- Dolores Cannon -
Extraterrestri als are living now on Earth. They are everywhere, among your friends, neighbors, even your relatives. Their blood flows through our veins. We are as much brothers and sisters to beings from the stars as we are to animals of the Earth.
-- Dolores Cannon -
Apparently when we enter the Earth existence, the third dimensional reality, we exist with a façade as actors playing various roles. For some it is the adventure of the experience, the journey. For others it is entrapment in an illusion that takes on all the qualities of reality.
-- Dolores Cannon -
We are moving into a new world and the old negativity will be left behind. Through the law of cause and effect, we can change the world, one person at a time.
-- Dolores Cannon -
Those who have not become enlightened will have to return to another, denser planet that is still involved with negativity, to work out their remaining karma.
-- Dolores Cannon -
Throughout my work, my subjects are being told that they must change their diet in order to make the adjustment into the new world. Our bodies must become lighter, and this means the elimination of heavy foods. During the sessions, my clients are repeatedly warned to stop eating meat (beef and pork especially), mainly because of the additives and chemicals that are being fed into the animals.
-- Dolores Cannon -
When we have completed all the journeys and adventures through our variety of lives we are supposed to return to the creator with our accumulation of knowledge. It is then absorbed. In this way we are considered cells in the body of God.
-- Dolores Cannon -
While the body sleeps our soul or spirit is having many adventures. It may travel to the spirit realm to meet with master teachers and guides to obtain advice or to learn lessons. It also may travel to other parts of our world or even venture outward to other worlds and dimensions.
-- Dolores Cannon -
Stop wasting time! Time is growing short for you to accomplish what you came to Earth to do!
-- Dolores Cannon -
When the time comes, the journey toward the brilliant white light that marks the barrier between this world and the next will not hold as much fear as it once would have. For in my study of death, I have found the celebration of life.
-- Dolores Cannon -
As the New Earth approaches, our way of thinking is being challenged more and more. The Veil is thinning and lifting as our consciousness expands. This is a requirement for entering the new dimension with the raising of our vibrations and frequencies. The old paradigms and archaic belief systems must fall to the wayside to make room for the new.
-- Dolores Cannon
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