Radhanath Swami famous quotes
Real humility does not depress you, but allows you to call intensely and brings us closer to Krishna.
-- Radhanath Swami -
The art of loving creates the unity which has unlimited spiritual strength, and that is the greatest need in the world today. Each one of us can make such a difference if we become humble, if we develop a service attitude, and if we develop the broad mind to see the oneness of all living beings.
-- Radhanath Swami -
A sincere soul is not trying to make a show. His enthusiasm is an act of service.
-- Radhanath Swami -
Krishna is present fully in His holy name and this is realized by the humility and sincerity in our chanting.
-- Radhanath Swami -
Sometimes the Lord gives us a free sample of religious experience, but for more, we must pay a price with the currency of sincere dedication to the process of cleansing.
-- Radhanath Swami -
We should honor Mother Earth with gratitude; otherwise our spirituality may become hypocritical.
-- Radhanath Swami -
Compassion is an essential element of love.
-- Radhanath Swami -
Compassion brings fulfillment to the heart. Selfish desires simply agitate the heart.
-- Radhanath Swami -
If we feel unqualified and feel grateful for an opportunity to serve, then Krishna will bestow in our hearts.
-- Radhanath Swami -
When there is love in our heart, only love will come out.
-- Radhanath Swami -
All beautiful forms of this world are in the process of transformation. Nothing is stable. With every moment, our reality is changing. Mother Ganges, like nature, is constant, but no manifestation of hers remains. Likewise, all that we hold dear in this world is imperceptibly vanishing. We cannot cling to anything. But if we can appreciate the beauty of the underlying current of truth, we can enjoy a reality deeper than the fickle waves of joy and sorrow.
-- Radhanath Swami -
The more one makes spiritual advancement, one feels humble and as one's devotion is superficial that much he feels that he is a great devotee.
-- Radhanath Swami -
When love is pure, it has the power to conquer. Lover and beloved conquer each other by their affection. The source, the essence, the fullest manifestation of love's conquering power is the love of the soul for the supreme soul, or God.
-- Radhanath Swami -
When you have an ego, you are limited to your own strengths and weaknesses. But if you are totally surrendered to God, nothing is impossible for you.
-- Radhanath Swami -
Sometimes river flows very strong, sometimes it flows very small, but it makes no difference to the ocean because it is satisfied in itself with its own quantity of water. Similarly, when our heart is cleansed with spirituality, we find pleasure and ecstasy with our own selves that is so sweet, so wonderful and so satisfying, that the so-called pleasures of this world no longer have any values, no appeal at all.
-- Radhanath Swami -
Spirituality is revival of our God consciousness, not creating something new.
-- Radhanath Swami -
The essence of spiritual life is simply to use our free will properly.
-- Radhanath Swami -
The auspiciousness of any situation is how it brings us closer to Krishna
-- Radhanath Swami -
Unless we hear very strictly with great faith to the order of our Spiritual Master, we will not understand what is the mercy of Krishna and how it is coming upon us.
-- Radhanath Swami -
I we are looking for God or an opportunity to learn and enrich our lives in every situation, we will find that, but if we are looking for how am I enjoying or suffering, we are subject to endless frustration
-- Radhanath Swami -
You can not understand "Scripture" without seeing through the eyes of the Spiritual Master or Advanced Devotees.
-- Radhanath Swami -
It’s not the body that people love, but the soul. The body is a temporary vehicle. Without the soul, the body is like a car without a driver. I see through my eyes, smell through my nose, taste through my tongue, hear through my ears, feel through my skin, think through my brain, and love through my heart. But who am I? Who is the witness, enjoyer and sufferer that activates my body?
-- Radhanath Swami -
Mother Nature is always speaking. She speaks in a language understood within the peaceful mind of the sincere observer. Leopards, cobras, monkeys, rivers and trees; they all served as my teachers when I lived as a wanderer in the Himalayan foothills.
-- Radhanath Swami -
What I found particularly fascinating and satisfying about the Hindu tradition was its spirit of inclusiveness. In Sanatan Dharma, or what is commonly called Hinduism, I discovered the basic truths of all religions in a way that the oneness of God and religion is comprehensively understood.
-- Radhanath Swami -
The perfection of yoga is to become detached. And the perfection of detachment is to become completely attached, attached to God.
-- Radhanath Swami -
Success in spiritual life lies not in being the Best, but doing the Best.
-- Radhanath Swami -
Where there is no inner freedom, there is no life.
-- Radhanath Swami -
Man cannot be enlightened through any organization, creed, dogma, priest or ritual, nor through any philosophical knowledge or psychological technique. He has to find it through understanding the contents of his own mind, through observation, not through intellectual analysis or introspective dissection.
-- Radhanath Swami -
When the kirtan is harmonious with so many people, it’s a tumultuous beautiful sound. We can’t hear just one voice during the chorus; or rather we do hear one voice. But that one voice is actually the sound of everyone’s voice in harmony. That’s our offering to God. And why is it so pleasing to the Lord? Because we are all cooperating for a higher purpose. We are all united for the pleasure of the center, for the pleasure of Krishna, in spite of all our differences.
-- Radhanath Swami -
A person influenced by circumstances can become viciously envious or affectionately kind. Our company and our surroundings have a crucial effect on our consciousness. How important it is to be an instrument to bring out the inherent good of each other rather than the worst.
-- Radhanath Swami -
Through the practice of devotion to God, I was coming to learn that preserving loving relations in this world required much forgiveness, tolerance, patience, gratitude, and humility. An essential virtue of humility is to accept others for what they are, despite differences. I contemplated again how the tendency to judge others is often a symptom of insecurity, immaturity, or selfishness, and I yearned to rise above it. Everyone is a child of God. God loves all of His children. If I wish to love God, I must learn to love those whom He loves.
-- Radhanath Swami -
The essence of Hinduism is the same essence of all true religions: Bhakti or pure love for God and genuine compassion for all beings.
-- Radhanath Swami -
What really pleases the Spiritual Master is our intent and the quality of our character.
-- Radhanath Swami -
When we speak of the dust of the lotus feet of the Spiritual Master, we are speaking of humble approach to serve his instructions. Unless we humbly serve the instructions of the great soul, it is Krishna's arrangement the He never reveals Himself.
-- Radhanath Swami -
That is truth. In that truth, there is real happiness. And there is nothing that could disturb that happiness.
-- Radhanath Swami -
Moon is like Soul. Clouds are like all the situations in our life, relationships, youth, etc. Wind is like the Time. Just like the wind moves the clouds, Time moves all the situations in our life. But the soul is always the same and not on the temporary situations. One who focuses on soul is a moon-like person....
-- Radhanath Swami -
A dog will recognize his master in whatever way he dresses. The master may dress in robes, suit and tie, or stand naked, but the dog will always recognize his master. If we cannot recognize God, our beloved master, when he comes in a different dress from another religion, then we are less than that dog.
-- Radhanath Swami -
There cannot be love without trust and there cannot be trust unless we take the responsibility to act in a way that people can trust us.
-- Radhanath Swami -
Pure love of God is our nature, but we are so much diverted, so much distracted by the externals that we've forgotten that it's our essence.
-- Radhanath Swami -
If someone takes responsibility without force, that is love.
-- Radhanath Swami -
Sadly, in the name of progress, we have polluted the air, water, soil and the food we eat.
-- Radhanath Swami -
I just didn't know where I fit in - I didn't seem to fit in my parent's generation. I didn't seem to fit in my own generation. Little by little, this took me into a spiritual search for understanding; a search for meaning and fulfillment.
-- Radhanath Swami -
In my own spiritual journey, I became a swami on the Hindu path of Bhakti. In the Hindu tradition, a swami is a monk who forgoes regular family life for the purpose of making the whole world his family and channels his full energy into spiritual practice, devotion to God and service to humanity.
-- Radhanath Swami -
In religion, there's a certain type of fear that if somebody believes differently from me, that it's a threat. Because I'm right, and there cannot be two ways that are right, so if I'm right, anything different than this must be wrong; and we attack those things and it's really due to insecurity, ego and fear.
-- Radhanath Swami -
My parents' selfless affection and dedication nourished and prepared me to receive the love of my guru or spiritual father, Swami Prabhupada. My parents prepared the soil in which my guru sowed the seeds of his compassion.
-- Radhanath Swami -
Religious and spiritual leaders should be held accountable for environmental activism, not only because they have access to large communities and can influence votes, but because service is integral to religious and spiritual life.
-- Radhanath Swami -
We, as parents, must understand the serious responsibility that we have in inculcating love for God in the hearts of children. If our children do not feel love they will not understand God’s love because the love of the parent is translated to the children as the love of God. When they feel their parents' love, they can actually begin to understand God’s love.
-- Radhanath Swami -
Things can give pleasure to the mind and senses, but only love can give pleasure to the heart. And ultimately, that is what we are looking for.
-- Radhanath Swami -
What appears to be a curse can be a blessing if we simply appreciate the inner essence of the possibility of how to connect to God in that situation.
-- Radhanath Swami -
We have to seek the essence of all religions; then we can see how spirituality actually unites us and empowers us instead of breaking us down.
-- Radhanath Swami -
Tolerance means to fix our mind, to fix our words, & our actions on a higher principle.
-- Radhanath Swami -
The dirty wax of egotism accumulated in the heart prevents us from clearly hearing the Lord's voice within. A guru, with the stick of knowledge, cleans our hearts. Its really ugly to see what may come out, but by following patiently, we keep cleaning.
-- Radhanath Swami -
When the mind is turbulent, uncontrolled and restless, it is like a pond of water that is filled with mud. Therefore when we look within ourselves, all we perceive is the mud of our material conceptions of life. But when the mind is still through discipline, and through yoga, it is like a pond that has no waves and no turbulence. Then we can perceive through that crystal clear water the eternal nature of our soul.
-- Radhanath Swami -
The greatest leader is not someone who is the only leader. The greatest leader is one who inspires others to be leaders.
-- Radhanath Swami -
I am for God, I am the lover of God, I am loved by God, I am the servant of God, I am the servant of the servant of God, and I am the well-wishing instrument of God's love towards every living being, with all humility. The emergence of that realization is the greatest attainment in life.
-- Radhanath Swami -
If our mind is in conflict, not balanced with our body and with the needs of the soul, then there is a fundamental disunity in our life. Only if we have unity within ourselves, we can create unity in the world around us. You can't give something you don't have, even if you have all good intentions
-- Radhanath Swami -
We should be in harmony with our own consciousness; our mind, body, and soul should be one in interest and in purpose. And in that unified condition, we can actually express that natural innate love that we have found in our own life in everything we do in the world.
-- Radhanath Swami -
To the degree we try to create peace around us, we will find peace within ourselves. And to the degree we find peace within ourselves, we will actually have the power to create peace around us.
-- Radhanath Swami -
The essence of Bhagavad Gita is that we should always think of Krsna, become His devotee, worship him and offer homage unto him.
-- Radhanath Swami -
If we seek the essence of every situation, if we seek to connect to God within our hearts, then we will find an opportunity there, to grow internally in wisdom in every trial we face.
-- Radhanath Swami -
The diverse religions and races bring beauty to the world if we truly understand in our hearts the essence of who we are and what we stand for. And that really is the essence of spirituality.
-- Radhanath Swami -
We have the tendency to judge others by their surface appearance, and to find only their negative qualities. But if we search beneath the surface we discover that a myriad of strains mix together to create a particular person's nature. The faults we perceive are likely to be the effect of circumstances, the psychological response to trauma, abuse, rejection, heartbreak, insecurity, pain, confusion, or disease.
-- Radhanath Swami -
Lord's love manifests in this world as compasssion.
-- Radhanath Swami -
Humility is the foundation by which love manifests.
-- Radhanath Swami -
What touches our hearts and impresses us deeper is sacrifice and humility, when we see someone accept the higher principle of cooperation, putting aside his/her own achievements.
-- Radhanath Swami -
Whoever we are, wherever we are, however we are, whatever our condition is, there is no impediment to attaining the perfection of life-if we are humble & sincere.
-- Radhanath Swami -
To protect any community, we need intelligence and to nourish it we need humility.
-- Radhanath Swami -
The transcendental knowledge of devotional service is digested by the engyme of humility.
-- Radhanath Swami -
Krishna exalts those who are humble and humbles those who exalt themselves.
-- Radhanath Swami -
Fierce Determination and Gentle Humility are the ornaments which make one attractive in the eyes of the Lord.
-- Radhanath Swami -
There is false humility and genuine humility and between them, there is a desire of the practitioner to become humble.
-- Radhanath Swami -
The Ultimate expression of Humility comes when we control our senses.
-- Radhanath Swami -
To be meek and humble means to have a service attitude towards God, the Vaisnavas, and all living beings. Unless we have that, our chanting will have minimal effect and many births may pass before we finally come to the conclusion.
-- Radhanath Swami -
If somebody praises us and if we have any humility we will feel totally like a fool.
-- Radhanath Swami -
If we are truly humble , we will co-operate.
-- Radhanath Swami -
You can think your self to be great, you can go on thinking your self to be great, till you see all fellow devotees going Back Home Back to Godhead, while you remain in this material world only.
-- Radhanath Swami
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