Frank Van Dun famous quotes


  • Collect as precious pearls the words of the wise and virtuous.

  • Everybody is now so busy teaching that nobody has any time to learn.

  • We all learn by imitating, as children, as students, as novices in the world of business. And then we grow up and learn to blend our innate abilities with the rules or principles we have learned.

  • One can't have it both ways and both ways is the only way I want it.

  • The more I compose, the more I know that I don't know it all. I think it's a good way to start. If you think you know it all, the work becomes a repetition of what you've already done.

  • How can we say nobody's perfect if there is no perfect to compare to? Perfection implies that there really is a right and wrong way to be. And what type of perfection is the best type? Moral perfection? Aesthetic? Physiological? Mental?

  • The best magic always results from ecstasies of logic.

  • There are crimes of passion and crimes of logic. The boundary between them is not clearly defined.

  • Mathematics and logic have been proved to be one; a fact from which it seems to follow that mathematics may successfully deal with non-quantitative problems in a much broader sense than was suspected to be possible.

  • Radicalism is but the desperation of logic.