Myla Goldberg famous quotes
She has often felt that her outsides were too dull for her insides, that deep within her there was something better than what everyone else could see.
-- Myla Goldberg -
Ben Marcus has created an innovative and unflinching portrait of the turmoil of the human condition, providing the reader a most rare gift: something truly new. Notable American Women contains strains of Donald Antrim and Samuel Beckett but is beholden to neither; it is a brave, original book.
-- Myla Goldberg -
Miriam realizes she is a broken vessel, pieces of her scattered everywhere. She has been finding those pieces, in their many forms, and bringing them together so she can be whole again.
-- Myla Goldberg -
As much as I admire and value intellectualism and experimentation, I've discovered that unless a book has a throbbing heart as well as a sexy brain, I feel like the story is a specimen in a sealed glass jar and not a living, breathing creature I want to take by the hand and talk to for hours on end.
-- Myla Goldberg -
At this time on a weekday morning, the library was refuge to the retired, the unemployed, and the unemployable. ... 'I'm not always this gabby,' the librarian said. 'It's just so nice to talk to someone who isn't constructing a conspiracy theory or watching videos of home accidents on YouTube.
-- Myla Goldberg -
School is consonantal in its unchanging schedule. God, full of possibility, is a vowel. Death: the ultimate consonant.
-- Myla Goldberg -
I’m a total atheist, and for me it’s just about trying to find something that rises above the banal day-to-day bullshit of living.
-- Myla Goldberg -
The Curious Incident brims with imagination, empathy, and vision — plus it's a lot of fun to read.
-- Myla Goldberg -
I’m a total atheist, and for me it’s just about trying to find something that rises above the banal day-to-day bullshit of living.
-- Myla Goldberg
A dull speaker, like a plain woman, is credited with all the virtues, for we charitably suppose that a surface so unattractive must be compensated by interior blessings.
There is a black which is old and a black which is fresh. Lustrous black and dull black, black in sunlight and black in shadow.
The dull flat falsehood serves for policy, and in the cunning, truth's itself a lie.
No one has ever explained why it is that parents and guardians consider dull people such safe matrimonial investments for their young charges. Even granting the unsound assumption that dull people are more apt to be content with their own matrimonial fetters, they are certainly more apt to be the cause of discontent in others.
If human beings are perceived as potentials rather than problems, as possessing strengths instead of weaknesses, as unlimited rather that dull and unresponsive, then they thrive and grow to their capabilities.
God never takes away something from your life without replacing it with something better.
Being rejected from something good just means that Allah is pointing you to something better
Before you kill something make sure you have something better to replace it with...
As a mother, I always have something better to be doing. I love work still, but I'm less tolerant of my time being wasted.
Basically, the world is a giant shithole. But some of us are capable of imagining something better.
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