Arthur Phillips famous quotes


  • When you can turn people on their head and shake them and no money falls out, then you know God's saying, "Move on, son."

  • Stars, I have seen them fall, But when they drop and die No star is lost at all From all the star-sown sky. The toil of all that be Helps not the primal fault; It rains into the sea And still the sea is salt.

  • Certainly, last year we did an episode about the census and sampling versus a direct statistic. You just said the word 'census,' and people fall asleep.

  • In all her twisted perfection she had made me fall helplessly in love with her. A life without her in it seemed pointless.

  • Terror ripped through me as I was falling, falling, falling toward the sea.

  • Darkness is where we begin and where we end. We don't usually see light traveling in darkness of space because we only can see its reflection on substance.

  • Recruiting Station was a story that came as the result of many anxious awakenings during many nights.

  • I developed a mania for Fitzgerald - by the time I'd graduated from high school I'd read everything he'd written. I started with 'The Great Gatsby' and moved on to 'Tender Is the Night,' which just swept me away. Then I read 'This Side of Paradise,' his novel about Princeton - I literally slept with that book under my pillow for two years.

  • You can look at the words on this paper and, because they are the ones I am used to choosing, they will show you the shape of me. I am here to be read in the way you might read the impression of my weight in a bed after a still night, a restless night, a night not alone.

  • Last night I'd made love to a woman for the first and last time. It had been amazing and I had a memory that would shape the rest of my life.