Myka 9 famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • My greatest day is yet to come. Of all the things that I've accomplished, my greatest day is yet to come. But it will never come if I don't pursue it.

  • There are many movies that I like, but I'm not sure if they have inspired me.

  • I usually like to keep to myself, but others can tell if I'm upset because I'm keeping to myself.

  • If you're conscious you must be depressed, or at least cynical.

  • If you look at my history, I'm not gonna let that many people into whatever I'm going through.

  • Eliminate the impossible. Then if nothing remains, some part of the 'impossible' was possible.

  • Same if you had a bad show, it just rolls off you more easily.

  • I always thought that I was lazy because I could never tell if I was working or not. I was making things, which doesn't seem like work.

  • Even if a fool dies, he won't be cured.

  • If you sit by the wayside waiting for Success, your knees will be too stiff to follow her when she passes.

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