Sonia Braga famous quotes
And getting older, what's happening is, I play only mothers.
-- Sonia Braga -
Sex appeal is in your heart and head. I'll be sexy no matter how old or how my body changes.
-- Sonia Braga -
We can bring to characters dark and bright sides that nobody even dreams about.
-- Sonia Braga -
The only thing I know is that we came from the stars, and that we have the same material as the stars. That's all that I know. Everything else I don't know.
-- Sonia Braga -
If you take away money, if you take away the houses and things, who are we really? What is love really about? What is it to love each other? Why do we stay together, and why do all the kids split? All these questions I have really deep inside of me.
-- Sonia Braga -
You can keep yourself alive. That's the magic of being an actor.
-- Sonia Braga -
I grew up in a very open-minded family. My father died when I was very little, so my mother was really, really incredibly busy trying to provide for us.
-- Sonia Braga -
Sônia Braga reacted in a beautiful way to the draft I sent her, so we just made the film ["Aquarius"] as I had written it. Emilie [Lesclaux], my wife and producer, told me, "This is not a two-hour film. This is going to be longer." And I said, "Well, let's try and make it work, whatever length it is."
-- Sonia Braga -
I have two kids now and through watching them, I keep having flashbacks to my own childhood.
-- Sonia Braga -
To be naked or even making love in a scene to me is very important if this is a movie about a couple or sensuality. It's a sort of moralism to think that this shouldn't be seen in the film.
-- Sonia Braga -
Women at my age they are making love, they are feeling sensual, they flirt, they have boyfriends, they have a sexual life. They are just not being represented in the movies.
-- Sonia Braga -
I think of a movie as a human body. You can feel the pump of the heart and the blood going through the veins when you watch that scene.
-- Sonia Braga -
When Sônia [Braga] talked about the script in detail, it was as if she had seen the film [Aquarius] last night, even though it hadn't existed yet. It was a completely bulls - t-less reaction, so I knew it had to be her, and she has been great ever since.
-- Sonia Braga -
The reaction I got from Sônia [Braga] in less than 48 hours after I sent her the script [Aquarius] was so genuine that it left me stunned. Often when you show people scripts, you get polite, absent-minded reactions, as well as exclamations of "What the f - k is this?".
-- Sonia Braga -
People have reacted to the length of "Aquarius" in very positive ways. For example, at the beginning, you have people in a car on the beach at night. One character says, "I'm going to play you this great track." She pushes in a cassette tape, and they listen to about 45 seconds of Queen's "Another One Bites the Dust." You can actually see the pleasure registering on their faces, but it takes time, and audiences have appreciated that.
-- Sonia Braga -
These 150-minute superhero films that Hollywood is making are so concerned with their length that each scene doesn't have the time it needs to make sense.
-- Sonia Braga -
Ultimately, you just have to do what feels right for the film. It really helps when you have great collaborators like my editor, Eduardo Serrano, who kept telling me various scenes should be longer.
-- Sonia Braga -
I didn't want to overstate anything, but at the same time, the scene expands on some of the themes in the film [ "Aquarius"].
-- Sonia Braga -
The film [Aquarius" ] is very, very successful. We had the highest per-screen average of last week's releases.
-- Sonia Braga -
["Aquarius"] it had a bit of a rocky arrival in cinemas because we were given the 18+ rating, which did not make any sense in terms of the Brazilian rating system for a film like this.
-- Sonia Braga -
When you actually see it, it is quite strong, but there's nothing really pornographic about it. They are high-impact yet very short moments of sexuality, which makes it very confusing for the censors. If censors were merely human beings who watch a film ["Aquarius"] and come out with a conclusion about what they saw, then there wouldn't be a problem.
-- Sonia Braga -
When I wrote the script [of "Aquarius"], it seemed to hold people's interest.
-- Sonia Braga -
Of course, I was a little concerned about it being over two hours [in "Aquarius" ]. "Neighboring Sounds" was two hours and eleven minutes. This is two hours and twenty-five minutes, and I did try bringing it down. For instance, I considered cutting out the sequence with the family looking at pictures.
-- Sonia Braga -
When I saw that scene [in ocean from the Aquarius] for the first time, it blew me away. It caused me to reflect on my age, my history and all that I've been through in Brazil. Having been away from Brazil for so long, while not speaking in my own tongue, when I saw that image, I felt like I was taking my first deep breath after nearly suffocating to death. It was like the plastic had been removed from my head. Even if this breath turned out to be my last, at least I got to have this one moment of release. At least I got this one chance.
-- Sonia Braga -
It's a great role for any age. Any actress wishes they would find a screenplay that means as much to them as "Aquarius" meant to me, as a person and a citizen.
-- Sonia Braga -
I live in New York, and Clara lives in Recife. The character is Brazilian, and as I read the script, I felt like Kleber [Mendonca] had been spying on me in order to create this role [in Aquarius]. Clara and I have different backgrounds. I come from an intuitive world, and she's an academic, but when we got together, we really became one. There are many times when I'm watching the film where Clara will say something, and I will find myself agreeing with her. It was the first time that I had this weird sensation that the character I played is so me, but yet it's so her.
-- Sonia Braga -
It always surprises me when I see the director's versions of films released separately, long after the film's theatrical run.
-- Sonia Braga
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