Susan Maushart famous quotes


  • Heroism does not require spiritual maturity.

  • The virtues [moral excellence] therefore are engendered in us neither by nature nor yet in violation of nature; nature gives us the capacity to receive them, and this capacity is brought to maturity by habit.

  • So when I had to make a decision whether I would like to do honors degree course in Islamic studies and Malay studies too, so I thought Islamic studies would be good.

  • At a certain point you have to make a decision in your life about where will you best serve, and I decided that I would best serve as a producer as opposed to a studio executive. There are many upsides to being the studio executive, but one of the downsides is that you get removed from the actual process of making the movie.

  • I do love competence in a man.

  • Churches often confuse loyalty with competence.

  • Maturity is largely about acquiring the confidence and the competence to make your own decisions.

  • Under-representation of women and other inequality among researchers is a problem that will not solve itself as women acquire competence.

  • Success is better than failure; an attempt is a better attempt, it is better as an attempt, if competent than if incompetent; and it is better to succeed through competence - aptly - than through sheer luck.

  • When you dream, your perceptual (and other) competence is affected. You are then unable to get it right competently with the beliefs in your dream.

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