Charles Addams famous quotes


  • Given the nature of spiders, webs are inevitable. And given the nature of human beings, so are religions. Spiders can't help making fly-traps, and men can't help making symbols. That's what the human brain is there for - the turn the chaos of given experience into a set of manageable symbols.

  • If I'd been offered 'Spider-Man,' I probably would have done it. I don't think it's bad to go and do those things.

  • A spider web of 'patriots for profit', operating from the highest positions of special trust and confidence, have successfully circumvented our constitutional system in pursuit of a New World Order.

  • I'm the Bernie Madoff of this spider.

  • I never understood people who said their greatest fear was public speaking, or spiders, or any of the other minor terrors. How could you fear anything more than death? Everything else offered moments of escape: a paralyzed man could still read Dickens; a man in the grips of dementia might have flashes of the must absurd beauty.

  • The Spider as an Artist Has never been employed- Though his surpassing Merit Is freely certified.

  • For me, it's painful to make a movie. It's not my normal rhythm.

  • When you work with kids, people tell you to be very delicate, but that's the last thing you should do with kids. They feel patronized if you're like that. They just want you to be normal.

  • A "Normal" person is the sort of person that might be designed by a committee. You know, "Each person puts in a pretty color and it comes out gray."

  • Art is messy, art is chaos - so you need a system.