Lubos Motl famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Television is a constant stream of fact, opinions, lies, moral dilemmas, plots: an infinitely complex and sophisticated torrent of information. How could it not make you cleverer? The only people who ever thought television rotted the brain and made kids dumb were those with a vested interest in other ways of learning, or those who were intellectually insecure, usually about books.

  • When you were a kid, a day was a long time and a year was a long time

  • As a kid, I always wanted to obviously win a Super Bowl. Now that I've got one, it's like, 'Now what?' Let's go get another one!

  • I watched so many movies when I was a kid, and I'd watch them over and over.

  • My critique of democracy begins and ends with this point. Kids must be educated to disrespect authority or else democracy is a farce.

  • My great-grandfather was a self-taught man, and his library was extraordinary. I read the lot.

  • Culture is like the sum of special knowledge that accumulates in any large united family and is the common property of all its members. When we of the great Culture Family meet, we exchange reminiscences about Grandfather Homer, and that awful old Dr. Johnson, and Aunt Sappho, and poor Johnny Keats.

  • The Union, and the Constitution, are the picture of silver, subsequently framed around it. The picture was not made to conceal or destroy the apple, but to adorn and preserve it. The picture was made for the apple-not the apple for the picture.

  • I handed over names and compromised so many CIA agents in the Soviet Union.

  • Im a huge Rugby Union fan, which is a bit like American football - but tougher.