Great Experiences famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • Music is therapy for me. It's my outlet for every negative thing I've ever been through. It lets me turn something bad into something beautiful.

  • To be kind, honest and have positive thoughts; to forgive those who harm us and treat everyone as a friend; to help those who are suffering and never to consider ourselves superior to anyone else: even if this advice seems rather simplistic, make the effort of seeing whether by following it you can find greater happiness.

  • One of the most wonderful things about having a positive attitude is the number of people it touches, many times in ways you'll never know.

  • There was a while when I was feeling like, 'Damn, if I'd just been born black, I would not have to go through all this'.

  • When I tap, it means I've accepted the technique, learned the lesson and look to apply the experience next time I step on the mat. I never give up.

  • Hillary does nothing without careful calculation. She knows that politicians - provided they have real power - who bash entire industries tend to raise huge dollars from individuals in those industries. Certain types of politicians are drawn to this marketing technique because they think the 'bashing' also can be held up as proof that they are not being corrupted. This scheme is called 'putting the squeeze on.' Does that phrase remind you of anything?

  • She kissed her way into society. I don't like her. But don't misunderstand me: my dislike is purely platonic.

  • Once you’re sensitized to the negative effects of unhealthy choices, it gets easier to turn down what used to seem impossible to resist.

  • Of my four marriages, the one to Bob Levitt is the only one I don't regret

  • God is not more incomprehensible than you; but if he is not more just, it is hardly worth while beIieving in him.