Legalizing Marijuana famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • The forces you are struggling with, that you feel are holding you back - are illusions. They are not real - they never have been. See only the good that you desire in your mind.

  • Enduring faith is not blind or obedient, it is keenly attentive and responsible; it is not fed by awe, but by quickening interest; prosperity is not the disappearance of problems, but the continual engagement with the process of finding solutions. Wisdom is not given from on high, but must be painstakingly unraveled from the knots in his own guts.

  • Sometimes not having any idea where we’re going works out better than we could possibly have imagined.

  • As for the differences of opinion upon speculative questions, if we wait till they are reconciled, the action of human affairs must be suspended forever. But neither are we to look for perfection in any one man, nor for agreement among many.

  • I've always felt that copious use of the word 'something' allows anyone to solve any problem, even insoluble ones.

  • Any kid that feels like they don't have any kind of future, whether they're on a street corner in Harlem or in a little town in Kansas where nothing happens, it's all out there for them. They can do whatever they dream or wish or see on television, or read about in the papers.

  • I don't have many expenses as a college student (mostly food) so I'm able to put advertising revenue right back into the production of new videos.

  • I enjoy going out by myself... always have, always will. I don't have security guards, and, for the most part, I enjoy meeting new people. I see myself as a regular guy who likes playing video games with his nieces and nephews and poker with his family. I don't have an art collection or take exotic vacations. I enjoy being at home.

  • The dew of compassion is a tear.

  • People with big personalities are best in the center of the table. They can help carry the conversation from that place.