Earn Respect famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • It’s like, everything really is two ways, the way we all pretend it is and the way it really is

  • I just sold a farm in Missouri, and I own a ski lodge in Colorado with some Honolulu partners.

  • On the television planet, where men make up the tribe, the law of the caveman rules. So, for a woman coming from another world, without experience or cunning, to succeed gradually in gaining control over what is to be taped, what goes out over the air, what is said without censorship, is an epic feat.

  • That's the thing about a folk tale: It is always addressing incredibly key issues about how you should live and what the right thing to do is, which is really what I'm the most interested in - like the questions that religion takes on. And I think that, for those of us that aren't religious, we need, or I need, art that stimulates the same kind of thinking about what it is to be a mensch, or a good man, things like that.

  • I am not a liberator. Liberators do not exist. The people liberate themselves.

  • People should follow their own energy.

  • The night swelled with magic; not the beneficent kind of love-magic that sweeps couples away, but the kind of magic that rips and tears, the enchantment that creeps out of the woods and pounces.

  • Ninety percent of what most yoga teachers do is teach asana practice. While asana discharges stress and so forth, it was never intended to be a standalone practice. The true intent of yoga is personal transformation. What we get out of the privilege of teaching prisoners is the opportunity to focus on our own personal development. You can be of service, and, while helping others transform their lives, you have the deeper opportunity to transform your own. What we teach in prison is how we live our lives.

  • God, help me remember that when I admit and accept the truth, I'll be given the power and guidance to change.

  • Independence has been key to the success and sustained growth of electronic music over the past 25 years.