Bumblebees famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • Evolution cannot be brought about by the use of dynamite.

  • If you complain, you’re ‘playing the victim’; if you don’t complain, you are a victim.

  • If you're always worried about being on your phone, then you really are missing out on everything that's happening in front of you,

  • Gay, straight - whatever - adolescents in high school and coming out of junior high, that's such a difficult, awkward period and kids can be so cruel and mean.

  • It's courage, not luck, that takes us through to the end of the road.

  • If you don't think of the future, you won't have one.

  • Hope knows not if fear speaks truth, nor fear whether hope be blind as she.

  • Philosophers are often actively disinterested in what happens between the cup and the lips (after all, that's "non-ideal theory").

  • I haven't got a lot of patience.

  • I think that show will go down in history... people will scratch their heads and say 'How did this ever get on the air?' I mean, they finally have a planet that's populated with a black race and then they present them as savage warriors, and the men want the white girl!