The GNU GPL was not designed to be "open source".
I'm not comfortable telling my kids how they should be or how they should think or how they should act or anything else.
We’ll never be over, Eva.
The miracle is that, in most cases, he succeeds - for the powers of survival, of the will to survive, and to survive as a unique inalienable individual, are absolutely, the strongest in our being: stronger than any impulses, stronger than disease.
Strong men don't compromise, it is said, and principles should never be compromised.
The Marxist analysis has got nothing to do with what happened in Stalin's Russia: it's like blaming Jesus Christ for the Inquisition in Spain.
That's a mistake I think that a lot of Western observers make is to assume that Korean nationalism is hundreds if not thousands of years old. When in fact nationalism is incompatible with Korean Confucian tradition.
Anyone can criticize or accept praise, but initiating a positive exchange is a hallmark of a difference maker.
I guess the internet and the power of people finding things out for themselves is great.
Things come to me pretty regularly. There is never a shortage or a backlog