Grunge famous quotes
Last updated: Sep 5, 2024
As far as the grunge thing, there are three bands from Seattle that I would call true grunge.
-- Adam Jones -
If punk was about getting rid of hippies, then I'm getting rid of grunge.
-- Damon Albarn -
There's not a word that describes us. We’re not alternative, metal or grunge - we’re not any of that. We’re just what we are.
-- Jerry Cantrell -
Doolittle was a major influence on the Seattle grunge scene, which emerged in the early 1990s.
-- Joey Santiago -
I hate grunge. It was the worst period of my life.
-- Polly Allen Mellen -
I don't know much about that whole grunge thing.
-- Todd Snider -
When I began in the late '90s, I felt quite lonely. We were coming out of the grunge era; it was the time of Corinne Day, The Face, the height of the YBAs, where models had to be "real," on real locations with no lighting. I rebelled against the grungeys - I didn't find the faux naturalism to be representative!
-- Miles Aldridge