Coquette famous quotes
52 minutes ago
A coquette is like a recruiting sergeant, always on the lookout for fresh victims.
-- Douglas William Jerrold -
In the School of Coquettes Madam Rose is a scholar,-O, they fish with all nets In the School of Coquettes! When her brooch she forgets 'Tis to show her new collar; In the School of Coquettes Madam Rose is a scholar!
-- Henry Austin Dobson -
The life of a coquette is one constant lie; and the only rule by which you can form any correct judgment of them is that they are never what they seem.
-- Henry Fielding -
She who only finds her self-esteem In others' admiration, begs an alms; Depends on others for her daily food, And is the very servant of her slaves; Tho' oftentimes, in a fantastic hour, O'er men she may a childish pow'r exert, Which not ennobles but degrades her state.
-- Joanna Baillie -
New vows to plight, and plighted vows to break.
-- John Dryden -
Popularity, I have always thought, may aptly be compared to a coquette-the more you woo her, the more apt is she to elude your embrace.
-- John Tyler -
Wit resembles a coquette; those who the most eagerly run after it are the least favored.
-- Joseph Chenier -
I've always been given respect because I'm kind of mannish, and I'm not a great beauty. I've never played the coquette card because I'm no good at it.
-- Martha Wainwright -
A modern writer likens coquettes to those hunters who do not eat the game which they have successfully pursued.
-- Mary Elizabeth Braddon -
Coquettes know how to please, not love, and that is why men love them SO much.
-- Pierre de Marivaux