Plight famous quotes
What is addiction, really? It is a sign, a signal, a symptom of distress. It is a language that tells us about a plight that must be understood.
-- Alice Miller -
There also is the plight that comes from natural disasters; these natural disasters could be alleviated or dealt with; we only need some time to do it.
-- Bhumibol Adulyadej -
What surprises me about humanity is that in the end such a narrow range of plights defines our moral lives.
-- Douglas Coupland -
The Israelis have suffered a great deal, we must condemn suicide bombers, and we must never say that the plight of the Palestinians justifies this terrible thing.
-- George Carey -
Any direct experience that I have with indigenous peoples and their plights may feed into the nature of the story I choose to tell. In fact, it almost certainly will.
-- James Cameron -
Be sensitive to the plight of others. You have to know about the tragedies as well as the triumphs, the failures as well as the success.
-- Jim Rohn -
The sympathies of a well-adjusted person can easily be aroused by the plight of strangers. Indeed, the skillful writer of a novel, a play, or an opera can engage our emotions on behalf of people who are not only strangers to us, but who do not even exist! And a person whose emotions cannot be so aroused is not behaving normally.
-- John Derbyshire -
New vows to plight, and plighted vows to break.
-- John Dryden -
Empathy for the plight of the Goddess may be essential in seeing how to face our own plight on Earth.
-- John Lamb Lash -
I don't have children of my own so I can't say I know the plight of being a parent, but I can kinda understand some of the complexities of it.
-- Joy Bryant -
When a poor disconsolated drooping creature is terrified from all enjoyment,--prays without ceasing 'till his imagination is heated,--fasts and mortifies and mopes, till his body is in as bad a plight as his mind; is it a wonder, that the mechanical disturbancesof an empty belly, interpreted by an empty head, should be mistook for [the] workings [of God].
-- Laurence Sterne -
In Hanover Park they highlighted the terrible plight of backyard dwellers and the fact that year after year nothing has been done to help you: the hope and despair you all live with every day.
-- Mangosuthu Buthelezi -
To be robbed and betrayed by a fiendish underground conspiracy, or by the earthly agents of Satan, is at least a romantic sort of plight - it suggests at least a grand Hollywood-ready confrontation between good and evil - but to be coldly ripped off over and over again by a bunch of bloodless, second-rate schmoes, schmoes you chose, you elected, is not something anyone will take much pleasure in bragging about.
-- Matt Taibbi -
Bobby Kennedy and Nelson Rockefeller are having a row, ostensibly over the plight of New York's mentally retarded, a loose definition of which would include everyone in New York who voted for Bobby Kennedy or Nelson Rockefeller.
-- William F. Buckley, Jr. -
The plight of uninsured children, elderly persons, and so many others whose lack of health insurance is genuinely a national scandal.
-- William Levada -
Seeing the Afghan women in their burqas, it's easy to say, "Well, they're not as fully aware as I am, so why do I have to worry so much about their plight?" But that's a misunderstanding. They are brutally aware of their station.
-- Eliza Griswold -
My hand and pen are not in plight, As they have been of yore.
-- Thomas Vaux, 2nd Baron Vaux of Harrowden