Imagery famous quotes
52 minutes ago
I am God, and all other gods are my imagery. I gave birth to myself. I am millions of forms excreating; eternal; and nothing exists except through me; yet I am not them they serve me.
-- Austin Osman Spare -
One of the things you do as a writer and as a filmmaker is grasp for resonant symbols and imagery without necessarily fully understanding it yourself.
-- Christopher Nolan -
My focus was always toward imagery of some sort.
-- David Salle -
You cannot base a whole movie on just the imagery alone. It has to be the story and the characters.
-- John Lasseter -
I expect of abstraction as much as what imagery does for me... to carry meaning.
-- Kay WalkingStick -
I liked the name Frog Brigade because it lent itself to a lot of cool imagery with the whole frog thing.
-- Les Claypool -
I do have a lot of sexual imagery in my performance. But I don't think it's ever encouraging anyone to have sex. I think I just show my own sexuality, but I don't think I've ever really written about having sex or anything like that.
-- Marilyn Manson -
How many people could embrace such disturbing imagery?
-- Novala Takemoto -
Like Robert Mapplethorpe, Helmut Newton, and so many others before me, sexual imagery has always been a part of my photography.
-- Terry Richardson -
The use of mental imagery is one of the strongest and most effective strategies for making something happen for you.
-- Wayne Dyer -
Here's the thing: celebrities understand the power of original ideas because often that's why they act. They want to be in movies that tell a story. They know the power of iconic imagery. Often, you find that people really want to participate.
-- Glenda Bailey -
I have a taste for the macabre. I really am not drawn to imagery that is pretty, things that are just pretty. I’m drawn to things that challenge you, that make you nervous, that make you uncomfortable.
-- Pieter Hugo -
The really great gallerists have always been interested in imagery that is not that imagery.
-- Rachael Price -
I try to put what's evocative in the music to me, I try and put that out there in terms of titles and imagery, or implication towards the listener.
-- Terry Bozzio -
There's a definite connection in terms of objects at hand - dealing with objects or material at hand. Pop art was very much enamored with popular imagery, and popular imagery was of course available and at hand. And land art was also using what was at hand.
-- Virginia Dwan -
I think poetry bridges text and image. Poetry is visual in its imagery - but it requires close attention to words themselves. Words become jewels in poetry, while they are often tools in other genres.
-- Allegra Goodman -
It was as if he (Sigmar Polke) painted his imagery in a highly wrought way, instead of a calculatedly dumb way, or mechanical way, by silk-screening or by tracing from epidiascope projections, and so on.
-- Matthew Collings -
Place is extremely important to my work because I am always pulling landscape imagery into my poems.
-- Cate Marvin -
I came in making choices about how I deploy aesthetics and imagery strategically. It seems to me that's the only legitimate way of making work.
-- Kerry James Marshall