Lots Of Money famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • How many of you have had a crush on a teacher? I mean, remember that Physics professor? Law One is so steamy, I'm getting worked up just thinking about it: Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it. Mee-yow.

  • I've always been obsessed by beef jerky.

  • Hamas is responsible and Hamas will pay.

  • I am convinced that success is not measured by what you get out of life, but by what you give back.

  • Reality television is a scripted hyper-life that employs writers, but won't allow them to call themselves writers or join the union.

  • One of the sweet things about pain and sorrow is that they show us how well we are loved, how much kindness there is in the world, and how easily we can make others happy in the same way when they need help and sympathy.

  • But cheer up - we could be selling tobacco. It's not like software kills people if used as intended

  • If you cut a thing up, of course it will smell. Hence, nothing raises such an infernal stink at last, as human psychology.

  • I like to sing around the bonfire, in my car and in the shower,

  • If, one day, I should offend God in any way, or grow remiss, though ever so little, in that which concerns His holy service and glory, I solemnly implore Him, rather let me die.