Accomplices famous quotes


  • In my experience of vegan food it tends to be a symphony of beige.

  • In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but his face.

  • I started thinking about, I need to build a team. And let's go into the strip clubs, and let's tell these girls that it's never too late, that God still will forgive them at any point in their life.

  • My school is attended by near three hundred scholars.

  • Even under the best of circumstances, there's just something so damn tragic about growing up.

  • I saw a very old man, literally eating his own human waste out of hunger. I went to the nearby hotel and asked them what was available. They had idli, which I bought and gave to the old man. Believe me, I had never seen a person eating so fast, ever. As he ate the food, his eyes were filled with tears. Those were the tears of happiness.

  • Hearing alone is less effective in learning God's truth than hearing combined with reading.

  • can cry until there's nothing wet in you. You can scream and curse to where your throat rebels and ruptures. You can pray, all you want, to whatever god you think will listen. And, still it makes no difference. It goes on, with no sign as to when it might release you. And you know that if it ever did would not be because it cared.

  • Perseverance, secret of all triumphs.

  • Science provides a much more satisfactory way to seek answers than does any religion.