Undoing famous quotes
They tried to be too clever---and that was their undoing.
-- Agatha Christie -
That glittering hope is immemorial and beckons many men to their undoing.
-- Euripides -
Beware of your habits. The better they are the more surely they will be your undoing.
-- Holbrook Jackson -
One of the things that has always been my undoing in politics is my readiness to do whatever job has to be done.
-- Judy LaMarsh -
The undoing is almost always more difficult than the doing.
-- Kate DiCamillo -
Your early successes can be your undoing later.
-- Michael Hyatt -
Whatever we worship, short of God, is sure to be our undoing.
-- Mignon McLaughlin -
Charisma becomes the undoing of leaders. It makes them inflexible, convinced of their own infallibility, unable to change
-- Peter Drucker -
For one who has read the works of Marx it is frightening to look back at the grim determination with which so many nations steadfastly hewed to the very course which he insisted would lead to their undoing.
-- Robert Heilbroner -
Peace comes not from doing, but from undoing; not from getting, but from letting go.
-- Swami Satchidananda -
In the end you will be your own undoing. You can't escape you.
-- Ted Dekker -
I will be my undoing If I become my obsession.
-- Veronica Roth