Narcissist famous quotes
52 minutes ago
Love is not a contract between two narcissists.
-- Alain Badiou -
I don't know if my mother was a narcissist - or bi-polar or borderline. Those were words she tossed around over the years.
-- Ariel Gore -
My wife thinks I'm a narcissist, but I just think it's hilarious going on YouTube and seeing these covers. There are so many of them - literally hundreds! It's flattering.
-- Charles Kelley -
In an individualistic culture, the narcissist is God's gift to the world. In a collectivist society, the narcissist is God's gift to the collective.
-- Christopher Lasch -
The world is so rife with narcissists that none of them take enough notice of me.
-- Eleanor Bron -
Jerk equals narcissist.Narcissists tend to be risk takers. Risk takers happen to do better in general in businesses. So jerk equals narcissist, equals risk taker.
-- Eric Bolling -
There are athletes and celebrities that are out there and they Twitter and they constantly try to drum up press because they're narcissists.
-- Geoff Stults -
Siren Servers are narcissists; blind to where value comes from, including the web of global interdependence that is at the core of their own value.
-- Jaron Lanier -
Hate is the complement of fear and narcissists like being feared. It imbues them with an intoxicating sensation of omnipotence.
-- Sam Vaknin -
The sadistic narcissist perceives himself as Godlike, ruthless and devoid of scruples, capricious and unfathomable, emotion-less and non-sexual, omniscient, omnipotent and omni-present, a plague, a devastation, an inescapable verdict.
-- Sam Vaknin -
narcissists ... have the least sense of self of anybody on the planet.
-- Anna C Salter -
Being a narcissist isn't easy when the question is not of loving your own image, but of recreating the self through deliberate acts of alienation.
-- Orlan -
Muhammad was a narcissist and Muslims, by having entered into his bubble universe have become narcissists by extension. More precisely, they are reverse narcissists. A commonly used term for reverse narcissist is co-dependent.
-- Ali Sina