Femininity famous quotes
I thought it was very important that femininity wasn't lost.
-- Donna Mills -
Usually people are questioning my athleticism more than my femininity!
-- Gabrielle Reece -
I'm not afraid of my femininity and I'm not afraid of my sexuality.
-- Goldie Hawn -
If you wear short skirts you get your femininity back.
-- Heather Mills -
To awaken chivalry we must return to femininity. We must stop doing the masculine things and become the gentle, tender, dependent women we were designed to be.
-- Helen Andelin -
Actually, I'm looking forward to being 50. Because to me, that's when a woman is at the pinnacle of her femininity and her womanhood.
-- Helen McCrory -
We must keep both our femininity and our strength.
-- Indra Devi -
The hardest part has been learning how to take myself seriously when the entire world is constantly telling me that femininity is always inferior to masculinity
-- Julia Serano -
Femininity itself has become a brand, a narrow and shrinking formula of commoditised identity which can be sold back to women who have become alienated from their own power as living, loving, labouring beings.
-- Laurie Penny -
Her iron will won international respect. Her unabashed femininity gained women's. Margaret Thatcher was a lady's lady.
-- Louise Burfitt-Dons -
My femininity is always something I've tried to preserve in this dog-eat-dog world.
-- Margaret Smith -
I feel that beauty and femininity are ageless
-- Marilyn Monroe -
A woman today knows that the power of her femininity is very important.
-- Oscar de la Renta -
Thus, gender ideology no only creates ides about femininity but it also shapes conceptions of masculinity.
-- Patricia Hill Collins -
Masculinity & femininity are just styles. They are interpretations
-- Rad Hourani -
The disciplinary power that inscribes femininity in the female body is everywhere and it is nowhere; the disciplinarian is everyone and yet no one in particular.
-- Sandra Bartky -
Masculinity is part of a binary and requires its opposite, since, in the absence of femininity, masculinity would have no meaning.
-- Sheila Jeffreys -
I've always been independent, and I don't see how it conflicts with femininity.
-- Sylvia Porter -
Very often I hear talk about female literature, or femininity in literature. It's a categorization I am not sure about. Maybe there are a few elements that distinguish women's observations from men's, like the ability to notice some fine details.
-- Luljeta Lleshanaku -
Quite honestly, even as a woman dealer, I really wasn't interested in masculinity or femininity as such. What was important to me was the value of the work itself. If a woman had come along, somebody like Lee Bontecou or Louise Nevelson, and said, "I'm working on the land," I would have gone to see it.
-- Virginia Dwan -
A fragrance always combines femininity and sensuality.
-- Gianfranco Ferre -
I like a woman who has both maturity and ingenuity. This comes under the heading of femininity.
-- Laurence Harvey