Ecstasy famous quotes
Oh! If only we were naked now, and free to watch our protruding parts align; To whisper - both of us - in ecstasy!
-- Arthur Rimbaud -
The theatre infects the audience with its noble ecstasy.
-- Constantin Stanislavski -
One man's piss-soaked sadomasochistic orgy is another man's poetic ecstasy.
-- Dan Savage -
You will find inner ecstasy when you can be reckless in love.
-- Deepak Chopra -
Ecstasy cannot be constant, or it would kill.
-- Eleanor Farjeon -
Do not seek to bring things to pass in accordance with your wishes, but wish for them as they are, and you will find them.
-- Epictetus -
I started with poetry because it was direct, immediate, and short. It was the ecstasy of striking matches in the dark.
-- Erica Jong -
The whispers of shared ecstasy are choral.
-- George Steiner -
I remain in intolerable non-knowledge, which has no other way out than ecstasy itself.
-- Georges Bataille -
We reach ecstasy by a contestation of knowledge. Were I to stop at ecstasy and grasp it, in the end I would define it.
-- Georges Bataille -
Even with one companion ecstasy is almost banished.
-- Gerard Manley Hopkins -
Sacrifice is the ecstasy of giving the best we have to the One we love most.
-- J. Oswald Sanders -
Poetry for me is as much a spiritual practice as sexual ecstasy is.
-- James Broughton -
There is no human reason to be here, except for the sheer ecstasy of being crowded together.
-- Jean Baudrillard -
Anyone who hasn't experienced the ecstasy of betrayal knows nothing about ecstasy at all.
-- Jean Genet -
I feel an indescribable ecstasy and delirium in melting, as it were, into the system of being, in identifying myself with the whole of nature..
-- Jean-Jacques Rousseau -
One of the greatest assets of a farm is the sheer ecstasy of life.
-- Joel Salatin -
The ultimate aim of the quest must be neither release nor ecstasy for oneself, but the wisdom and the power to serve others.
-- Joseph Campbell -
She switched from ecstasy to embarrassment at about Mach five.
-- Kevin Hearne -
Being a motion picture actress is the pitch of ecstasy.
-- Norma Shearer -
Some words were like that. Whole lives attached to them. Ghosts and lives and ecstasy and sorrow.
-- Paullina Simons -
The poetry that sustains me is when I feel that, for a minute, the clouds have parted and I've seen ecstasy or something
-- Rita Dove -
Let's assume there really is no such thing as happiness, no such thing as peace, and no freedom either. But there are kind of attacks of senseless ecstasy. Can this be me?
-- Sergei Dovlatov -
The highest ecstasy is the attention at its fullest.
-- Simone Weil -
Just start dancing and the band will find you.
-- Tama J. Kieves -
Amnesia is not knowing who one is and wanting desperately to find out. Euphoria is not knowing who one is and not caring. Ecstasy is knowing exactly who one is - and still not caring.
-- Tom Robbins -
I am in total ecstasy with where my life is now.
-- Wavy Gravy -
Now I love the act of creating a new image. When everything comes together, it feels like ecstasy. It's like a climax.
-- Mario Sorrenti -
When I am playing, I am in ecstasy; that is what I live for.
-- Claudio Arrau