Eye Contact famous quotes


  • In life, the number of beginnings is exactly equal to the number of endings ... In poetry, the number of beginnings so far exceeds the number of endings that we cannot even conceive of it.

  • Is negative space the space you don't like, or the space that is not there? And if it's not there how can you tell?

  • Love wants everything without condition, love has no law.

  • That's so her. You know, torn between Big Ideas and a party. She's always been that way.

  • In the 1970s, Washington women lawyers were getting organized. Grouping together gave us courage. And we overcame.

  • Everyone shines, given the right lighting.

  • People in good moods are better at inductive reasoning and creative problem solving.

  • The worst mistake that a statesman can make is to promise victory and to see it dashed, the hopes dashed.

  • And you're headed to a place with no bath and no shower. So you can just imagine how crazy it is to get up there, take your diaper off, have a urine-soaked crotch, and all you can do is wet a washcloth and wipe your skin off. You also have to do it on landing and spacewalks, too. It's not a ride that makes you springtime fresh.

  • Borrow trouble for yourself, if that's your nature, but don't lend it to your neighbours.