Perfect Strangers famous quotes


  • Ninety percent of video game AI really is pretty damn bad. I think that's actually why it's so much fun to shoot things. Because the AI is so bad and the characters are so annoying.

  • An actress who has the gift of swaying the emotions of an audience, of compelling tribute of tears, or of moving the public to joyous merriment, cannot always be satisfied to set aside her whole career, in the work that she loves, simply because she is married.

  • I shall not rest until, once again, the destinies of our people and our party are joined together again in victory at the next general election Labour in its rightful place in government again.

  • The act of longing for something will always be more intense than the requiting of it.

  • There are lots of stories in pop music, lots of lush orchestrations, lots of attention to detail. You just have to know where to find them. The best stuff is never overt.

  • Until you prevail with God, you cannot prevail with men; your victory has to be spiritual first, before it is physical.

  • I saw something in you that I couldn't live without. I chose you, inside of me, and you chose me. It's not one sided, it only works when both people choose the other. You are perfect for me in every way.

  • Worship helps us find who we are and why God has placed us here on the earth. When we bow in God's presence with worship, only then are we made complete.

  • I look for myself but find no one. I belong to the chrysanthemum hour of bright flowers placed in tall vases. I should make an ornament of my soul.

  • I don't see anything wrong with technology as long as it doesn't interfere with your life.