I have this very strange sensitive skin. If I put anything on it but this one product, it erupts into a rash.
I can do anything I want. Be with anyone I want. And it'll be my choice.
I've worked with the Los Angeles Zoo for 45 years, and we have this magnificent photographer, Tad Motoyama. He takes these wonderful, wonderful animal pictures. All through the years he's given me copies of these pictures. Well, I have all these gorgeous ones, so I said, 'Tad, I want to do a book with your picture on one side.'
It should have great meaning that of all the titles of respect and honor and admiration that could be given him, that God himself, he who is the highest of all, chose to be addressed simply as “Father.â€
I figured my body always would be able to repair itself. I think all of us believe that - until you begin to age and get hit with deteriorating joints.
If I lost your respect...I'm just hope you don't look at me as something you regret.
The whole idea of the pursuit of goods and possessions has completely corrupted the human experience, along with religion, which I think limits the intellect.
The taste of people with large bank accounts tends not to be on the cutting edge.
Human existence cannot be silent, nor can it be nourished by false words, but only by true words, with which people transform the world. To exist, humanly, is to name the world, to change it. Once named, the world in its turn reappears to the namers as a problem and requires of them a new naming. People are not built in silence, but in word, in work, in action-reflection.
No society can prosper if it aims at making things easier-instead it should aim at making people stronger.