Death And Dying famous quotes


  • Spiritual life is absolute reality. Krishna is real but we have lost the ability to realize him.

  • Fifty-one percent of a nation can establish a totalitarian regime, suppress minorities and still remain democratic.

  • Pain pushes until vision pulls.

  • The love scenes that worked, regardless of the director, were the ones where the actors weren't fearful. When somebody was fearful, you could see it right away. It takes you out of the story, and that's to be avoided at all costs.

  • Sometimes, when she's out here alone, she can feel the pulse of something bigger, as if all things animate were beating in unison, a glory and a connection that sweeps her out of herself, out of her consciousness, so that nothing has a name, not in Latin, not in English, not in any known language.

  • I don't care what the critics say or think because I care for and love my fans.

  • The Spirit, when He prays through us, or helps us to meet the mighty "ougthness" of right praying, trims our praying down to the will of God...

  • I am somewhat handicapped in doing things with my hands.

  • Oh that's lovely," said Bunny. "Olive, you've got a date." "Why would you say something so foolish?" Olive asked, really annoyed. "We're two lonely people having supper." "Exactly," said Bunny. "That's a date.

  • The reason that chefs become chefs is that they're not allowed into rooms with windows.