Ted Bundy famous quotes
You do know him, so that's a lame excuse." It was a lame excuse, but it was the best I had. "How do you really ever truly know someone?" Brit smacked her hands to her cheeks and she shook her head. "He's not a serial killer." "Speaking of serial killers, everyone thought Ted Bundy was a really charming, handsome man. And look how he turned out. Psycho." Jacob stared at me. "He's not Ted Bundy.
-- J. Lynn -
To those who say Ted Bundy should burn forever in eternity I would only say, so should I, so should all of us...
-- James Dobson -
I don't think he could ever be a serial killer. He's way too shy. That Ted Bundy guy, he was pretty outgoing , from what I heard. -Jess about Doug p. 107
-- Meg Cabot -
I auditioned for Ted Bundy and the director Matthew Bright and we really hit it off. He cast me as Bundy's girlfriend.
-- Boti Bliss -
Michael Riley Burke who played [Ted] Bundy did a really good job. He does look like him too, so it does make it hard and there are aspects of it, of course, that are just terrifying.
-- Boti Bliss -
You know when you are doing a movie like [Ted Bundy] you try to as much as you can keep it upbeat when you are not working on the scene, so you cannot totally get disgusted and lost in it and also from my point of view I was ignorant to it all what was kind of going on.
-- Boti Bliss