Gestation famous quotes


  • We seal our fate with the choices we make.

  • The perfect war is started for obscure reasons, is hopelessly murderous, and accomplishes nothing.

  • I got really lucky when I found somebody that I want to be friends with forever.

  • A dog has the soul of a philosopher.

  • It was kind of soothing, these sounds of lives being lived all around me, for better or for worse. And there I was, in the middle of them all, newly reborn and still waiting for mine to begin.

  • Don't always know what I am talking about, feels like I'm living in the middle of doubt.

  • When you depend on another's perceptions to match your expectations, you're setting yourself up for disappointment.

  • In a constitutional democracy the moral content of law must be given by the morality of the framer or legislator, never by the morality of the judge.

  • I believe that every child in this world needs to have a relationship with the know how to nourish themselves...and to know how to connect with the community around them.

  • A great team doesn’t mean that they had the smartest people. What made those teams great is that everyone trusted one another. It can be a powerful thing when that magic dynamic exists.