Dying Alone famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • If all mankind were suddenly to practice honesty, many thousands of people would be sure to starve

  • The one thing I would tell everyone - myself included - would be to just chill out. Life, by design, provides us with plenty of drama without us having to augment it and invent more. Just chill.

  • Nixon was a professional politician, and I despised everything he stood for -- but if he were running for president this year against the evil Bush-Cheney gang, I would happily vote for him.

  • I like getting stuff out of the way so you can see something clearly, see it sharply, have it be new again.

  • Musicians talk of nothing but money and jobs. Give me businessmen every time. They really are interested in music and art

  • The most fun is to inhabit the world where cartoon physics is king. And that just means that things move with kind of an energy and exaggeration and appeal that is different from what we see in our world. We're bound by, at least, Newton's Laws of physics here and in animation we're not. So, director's can be extremely eccentric, you can sculpt motion in animation in a way that you just can't do any other way. In any other performance medium.

  • My television and movie career has also taken me all over the world. I've had great times in the Far East, Russia, South America and Sweden - where I met my wife of 55 years, Maj.

  • Quiet people, people who arent given to emotional outbursts, people who are economic with words - theyre also fun to play, but you find yourself needing a laser precision in those roles. Otherwise you just sort of stand around, looking slightly brain-dead. You worry about being uninteresting.

  • In an action film you act in the action. If it's a dramatic film you act in the drama.

  • Live tonight, cuz you can't take it with ya.