Popsicles famous quotes


  • The ability of writers to imagine what is not the self, to familiarize the strange and mystify the familiar, is the test of their power.

  • Since I've been hired to contribute to the storyline of 'Doom 4' I can say what was always true anyway. I'm working. You see, for a writer, lots of stuff that doesn't look like working is actually working. Looking out of the window, for example. Balancing a pencil on the edge of the desk in order to find its exact fulcrum. Playing 'Doom.

  • I am pleased now that I have lived in a gay as well as a religious ghetto, though it hasn't been very comfortable. Taken together, their limitations cancel each other out and I have seen the world more kindly and more honestly.

  • There are two ways of getting the ball. One is from your own team-mates, and that's the only way

  • I really do listen to all types of music, not only rock, but everything from good pop music - which is usually older pop music - to RB and indie rock. I love indie rock more than a lot of the commercial stuff that you'd expect.

  • It was just weird. Once you get the ball and you get in a situation, it's like haywire, everything goes crazy, and everybody's running around. You don't know who to pass it to or what to do. So Coach said just slow down and just make the right play. I tried to get the best look I could at the basket.

  • There's a very real possibility in this industry of going out and leading your life and then going home and being a voyeur of your own life. You can literally go watch yourself - where you went last night, what you did, what the things that people presuppose about you. It's kind of crazy.

  • The demands of the economy, and more recently those of political correctness and the diktat against ever offending anyone, are not conducive to a classroom or university seminar climate in which genuinely free and critical reflection on how to live prospers.

  • Just think, if I had understood my lawyer and if he and I had communicated properly in January 1958, this whole history would have been entirely different .

  • Today I am loving and kind to myself and others.