Shrubs famous quotes


  • While my insides may be rotten, I still like a good reason to kill someone. It has to be either business, personal, or out of sheer boredom.

  • Resolved, That we especially protest against this present attempt to force all the people to follow the religious dictates of a part of the people, as establishing a precedent for the entrance of a most dangerous complicity between Church and State, thereby subtly undermining the foundation of liberty, so carefully laid by the wisdom of our fathers.

  • I swore on screen when I got the Olivier for 'Legally Blonde,' I was so surprised. Awards where the public vote mean a lot. I'm a big Twitter fan and like talking to people who support me.

  • You have to stand up for what's right in life. Unless you do that... you're nothing.

  • We sometimes get lost in a bubble... when you get to a certain age you're always thinking about the old days and how it wasn't like that then. Well, yeah, that's great and it's very nostalgic and all that, but actually the world has moved on.

  • I founded Netflix. I've built it steadily over 12 years now, first with DVD becoming profitable in 2002, a head-to-head ferocious battle with Blockbuster and evolving the company toward streaming.

  • I always try to balance the light with the heavy - a few tears of human spirit in with the sequins and the fringes.

  • Tears are the summer showers to the soul.

  • Advice is like snow--the softer it falls, the deeper it goes.

  • Maybe scientists are fundamentalist when it comes to defining in some abstract way what is meant by 'truth'. But so is everybody else. I am no more fundamentalist when I say evolution is true than when I say it is true that New Zealand is in the southern hemisphere. We believe in evolution because the evidence supports it, and we would abandon it overnight if new evidence arose to disprove it.