Wayne Allard famous quotes


  • I didn't grasp the basic principle of being a promoter, which was: Put on music but also generate an income. I was on the dole most of the time.

  • I'm against an income tax because all the rich people hire lawyers and accountants to be sure that they don't pay income tax.

  • Friendship lives on its income, love devours its capital.

  • The income effects in an economy always sum to zero.

  • The adults were completely wrong.

  • Teach the children so it will not be necessary to teach the adults.

  • The wish to be understood may be our most vengeful demand, may be the way we hang on, as asults, to our grudge against our mothers; the way we never let our mothers off the hook for their not meeting our every need. Wanting to be understood, as adults, can be our most violent form of nostalgia.

  • George VI in the conventional parlance was a Good King who sacrificed his life to his sense of duty. If we are to have monarchs it would be hard to find a better one.

  • There are things that happen and leave no discernible trace, are not spoken or written of, though it would be very wrong to say that subsequent events go on indifferently, all the same, as though such things had never been.

  • Faith does not increase, nor does it decrease; because a diminution in it would be unbelief.

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