Toilet Paper famous quotes


  • The imagination is far better at inventing tortures than life because the imagination is a demon within us and it knows where to strike, where it hurts. It knows the vulnerable spot, and life does not, our friends and lovers do not, because seldom do they have the imagination equal to the task.

  • Bedtime rituals for children ease the way to the elsewhere of slumber - teeth brushing and pajamas, the voice of a parent reading, the feel and smell of the old blanket or toy, the nightlight glowing in a corner.

  • I made 10 times as many images as the other students," he says of the early years. "I destroyed all those negatives except a few. I did it as a reminder that you can't afford to waste time: take it seriously.

  • You don't have conversations with microprocessors. You tell them what to do, then helplessly watch the disaster when they take you literally!

  • I make movies that audiences like, that I'd want to see. That's all.

  • If you have a friend or family member with breast cancer, try not to look at her with 'sad eyes.' Treat her like you always did; just show a little extra love.

  • At moments we are all artists.

  • But one had to go back to the beginning of things, always. Trace the thread of life - find the knot - untangle it.

  • When you are in love you are not wise; or, when you are wise you are not in love.

  • In every person, even in such as appear most reckless, there is an inherent desire to attain balance.