Happenstance famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • When you looked up to the sky and cried 'Why?' sometimes the sky shrugged, yet other times it answered with warm assurance of linked hands.

  • Of course a politician's promise isn't worth the paper it's written on.

  • With an eco-mind, we get ready for surprises, for we realize it's just not possible to know what's possible.

  • I've experienced the tabloids when I had anorexia.

  • I wonder if she has figured out that I'll never love Linden, especially not in the way she does, and that he'll never love anyone the way he loves her. I wonder if she realizes, despite all her efforts to train me, that I can never take her place.

  • I suppose politicians have always wanted to get re-elected, but there's a kind of a feeling now that if you just discredit your opposition, it makes it easier for you to win. I don't think that's necessarily true.

  • Slavery was regarded by Aristotle as an ordinance of nature, and so probably was it by the slaves themselves in olden time.

  • Six million jobs in the US depend on trade with Mexico. Ten border states - six in Mexico and four in the United States - combined have the third or fourth largest economy in the world. Twenty-nine US states depend on Mexico as their primary export market.

  • Where am I coming from? Where am I going? A fusillade of question marks.

  • Study the public behavior of top stars and you can detect a keen attentiveness to brand value.