Mob Rule famous quotes


  • To make the material speak to man in the name of man, this is the aim and reality of art.

  • Happy Birthday, Mr Presidenttttt

  • I'm more interested in character. Character comes out of the work. Style is applied or imposed on it.

  • We become what we habitually contemplate

  • My mother is very short - four-eleven. She could walk under tables and never hit her head.

  • That moment was very important because it was political. That's what has to be done, so they struck a deal. She figures his is a well-thought-out motivation that she felt was worthy trade-off. The motivation here is survival, and she has to think like a leader.

  • A man can be in two different places and he will be two different men. Maybe if you think of more places he will be more men, but two is enough for now.

  • I don't play polo anymore because I am too old. But we still have a half a dozen horses - a couple of young horses we are teaching how to play polo and older horses that are real trustworthy when you get them up in the mountains.

  • We are going to the moon that is not very far. Man has so much farther to go within himself.

  • What I've always found interesting in gardens is looking at what people choose to plant there. What they put in. What they leave out. One small choice and then another, and soon there is a mood, an atmosphere, a series of limitations, a world.