Artistic Process famous quotes


  • I never did very well in math - I could never seem to persuade the teacher that I hadn't meant my answers literally.

  • You can't achieve anything without getting in someone's way. You can't be detached and effective.

  • This was the period when I used all the influence I had to get the British to abandon their export trade, and as much as possible convert all of their manufacturing facilities to the immediate needs of the war, including civilian, as well as military requirements.

  • Everything new stalls because there is precedence for the old

  • He wished he could reassure his mother: a man wants many things in life, but when one of them is also the right thing, he would be a fool not to choose it.

  • Live and let live, be and let be, Hear and let hear, see and let see. . . . Live and let live and remember this line: 'Your bus'ness is your bus'ness and my bus'ness is mine.'

  • One ought to avoid all unnecessary worry and exciting thoughts, and to cultivate a firm tranquility of mind. Melancholy reflections will in no way influence fate, whereas one may weaken the constitution by the waste of energy while indulging in them.

  • Today women in many countries are taking part in various types of movements of protest, some of which are serious struggles for economic and social emancipation .

  • I go four- wheeling in my truck. I also like to fish, cook, do stuff around my house. I even studied fencing for awhile.

  • I'm not in the business of saying just one thing about just one place. If you only see Palestine in my films, then I've failed because then I'm just a provincial filmmaker.