Absolutism famous quotes
Some forms of absolutism are not bad; they may even be heroic.
-- D. A. Carson -
In Europe, where climate change absolutism is at its strongest, the quasi-religion of greenery in general and the climate change issue in particular have filled the vacuum of organised religion, with reasoned questioning of its mantras regarded as a form of blasphemy.
-- Nigel Lawson -
Those who claim absolutism is merely a myth are right that it has been misused simply as a byword for political centralisation.
-- Peter Wilson -
All parties without exception, when they seek for power, are varieties of absolutism.
-- Pierre-Joseph Proudhon -
As liberals, men like Richter viewed socialism as the great modern counter-revolution, and believed that the achievement of the socialist goal would lead both to appalling poverty and state absolutism. There was nothing in the socialist doctrine of the time that would suggest otherwise.
-- Ralph Raico -
It is possible that the distinction between moral relativism and moral absolutism has sometimes been blurred because an excessively consistent practice of either leads to the same practical result — ruthlessness in political life.
-- Richard Hofstadter -
As Camille Paglia's success has demonstrated, what is most marketable is absolutism and attitude undiluted by thought.
-- Wendy Kaminer -
It is hubris, claim the critics of 'absolutism', to suppose that we could ever even approximate to a true description of how the world anyway is. It is bad faith or 'bullshit', respond 'absolutists', to suppose - as the rhetoric of postmodernism implies - that we could seriously live and act with the thought that truth and value are simply our own projections. An attractive feature of 'ineffabilism', as I see it, is that it evades these accusations.
-- David E. Cooper -
I have no intention of sharing my authority.
-- Louis XVI of France -
The interests of the state must come first.
-- Louis XVI of France