Nero famous quotes
The absolute ruler may be a Nero, but he is sometimes a Titus or Marc Aurelius; the people is often Nero, but never Marc Aurelius.
-- Antoine Rivarol -
After ages during which the earth produced harmless trilobites and butterflies, evolution progressed to the point at which it generated Neros, Genghis Khans, and Hitlers. This, however, is a passing nightmare; in time the earth will become again incapable of supporting life, and peace will return.
-- Bertrand Russell -
Of all the difficulties in a state, the temper of a true government most felicifies and perpetuates it; too sudden alterations distemper it. Had Nero tuned his kingdom as he did his harp, his harmony had been more honorable, and his reign more prosperous.
-- Francis Quarles -
Keep an eye on that boy... he has potential," Dr Nero.
-- Mark Walden -
Darkdoom? Darkdoom did this?" Nero was visibly surprised. He placed a hand on his forehead, rubbing his temples. "Oh, why is it always the bald ones?
-- Mark Walden -
The possession of unlimited power will make a despot of almost any man. There is a possible Nero in the gentlest human creature that walks.
-- Thomas Bailey Aldrich -
They say that Nero started the fire himself because he needed a suitable backdrop for his concert.
-- Victor Borge -
Paul was Nero's prisoner, but Nero was much more God's.
-- William Gurnall