Yams famous quotes


  • It's fine to live in the now. But the best thing about now is that there's another one tomorrow. I'm going to start making them count.

  • Taking on challenging projects is the way that one grows and extends one's range as a writer, one's technical command, so I consider the time well-spent

  • Okay - the world needs its cogs, all of them; and even a cog may say how it gets used. In fact, only a cog may determine its eventual meaning in the system. That's what I wanted to tell you.

  • I suppose you could pass for a starlet. You do have that femme fatale air about you. Like you crush boys’ dreams in your spare time.

  • What you realize is that a lot of actors want to be directed. They're there to do the best job they can for the director. They have a lot of questions, and your job is to have answers.

  • Evolution, of course, is not something that simply applies to life here on earth; it applies to the whole universe.

  • Success is created through the performance of a few small daily disciplines that stack up over time to produce achievements far beyond anything you could of ever planned for. Failure, on the other hand, is just as easy to slip into. Failure's is nothing more than the inevitable outcome of a few small acts of daily neglect performed consistently over time so that they take you past the point of no return.

  • There have been nine Super Bowls in New Orleans, and not all of them have brought the best of luck to NFL Films. We got robbed twice there, got food poisoning, and my hotel room was broken into on the day the Bears played the Patriots in January 1986.

  • Once you can reproduce a phenomenon, you are well on the way to understanding it.

  • Do you know, André, I sometimes think that you have no heart.' 'Presumably because I sometimes betray intelligence.