Accentuate famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • What if culture itself is nothing but a halt, a break, a respite, in the pursuit of barbarity?

  • ... everyone must play his role.

  • When we live without listening to the timing of things, when we live and work in twenty-four-hour shifts without rest – we are on war time, mobilized for battle. Yes, we are strong and capable people, we can work without stopping, faster and faster, electric lights making artificial day so the whole machine can labor without ceasing. But remember: No living thing lives like this. There are greater rhythms, seasons and hormonal cycles and sunsets and moonrises and great movements of seas and stars. We are part of the creation story, subject to all its laws and rhythms.

  • Early ecologists soon realised that, since humans are organisms, ecology should include the study of the relationship between humans and the rest of the biosphere. ... We don't often tend to think about the social sciences (history, economics and politics) as subcategories of ecology. But since people are organisms, it is apparent that we must first understand the principles of ecology if we are to make sense of the events in the human world.

  • Branch Rickey made me a better man.

  • I'm just a person trapped inside a woman's body.

  • I was lucky to have read a lot of poetry when I was younger; it helped me to remember a way to write.

  • We don't want to go back to tomorrow, we want to go forward.

  • In this day and time, with no competition you are really walking a tightrope. I mean you may think that no competition is good, but in reality no competition is really bad.

  • Myself, I'm a pothead. It's no secret. Everyone knows that. I go on the road and forget everything else