Immaturity famous quotes
There is a tendency to consider anything in human behavior that is unusual, not well known, or not well understood, as neurotic, psychopathic, immature, perverse, or the expression of some other sort of psychologic disturbance.
-- Alfred Kinsey -
It is cynicism, and not idealism, that is generally the mark of youthful immaturity, or rather it is the cynic who is generally the most foolish romantic.
-- Andrew Sarris -
I've always been very confident in my immaturity.
-- Brandon Sanderson -
Today,’ said Lymond, ‘if you must know, I don’t like living at all. But that’s just immaturity boggling at the sad face of failure. Tomorrow I’ll be bright as a bedbug again.
-- Dorothy Dunnett -
Inconsistencies in men are generally testimony to their immaturity.
-- Edwin Louis Cole -
Immaturity is the incapacity to use one's intelligence without the guidance of another.
-- Immanuel Kant -
There's a level of immaturity to people who just can't clean up after themselves.
-- Jann Wenner -
... Nine-year-old boys usually turn ten at some point. It's the nineteen-year-olds who have difficulty turning twenty.
-- John Boyne -
Oh the Christian church has encouraged enormous immaturity among the peoples who are its primary adherence.
-- John Shelby Spong -
Young persons, because of their immaturity, may not fully comprehend the consequences of their actions and should therefore benefit from less severe sanctions than adults. More importantly, it reflects the firm belief that young persons are more susceptible to change, and thus have a greater potential for rehabilitation than adults.
-- Mary Robinson -
Logic is immaturity weaving its nets of gossamer wherewith it aims to catch the behemoth of knowledge. Logic is a crutch for the cripple, but a burden for the swift of foot and a greater burden still for the wise.
-- Mikhail Naimy -
Rage is a sign of nothing but immaturity. The power of any faith comes not from its coercion of critics and dissenters. It comes from the moral integrity and the intellectual strength of its believers.
-- Mustafa Akyol -
The young have all the same flaws adults do. Plus one: immaturity.
-- Nelson Rodrigues -
Introversion, at least if extreme, is a sign of mental and spiritual immaturity.
-- Pearl S. Buck -
It was all very childish. Why on earth should Edward have to leave for Jacob to come over? Weren't we past this immaturity?
-- Stephenie Meyer -
It is a sign of a medium's immaturity when one of the main topics of discussion is the medium itself.
-- Tom Standage -
Politics are usually the executive expression of human immaturity.
-- Vera Brittain -
Immaturity is the inability to act in your own long-term best interest or consistent with your deepest values. As aforementioned, self-awareness is critical to self-regulation in that it is the process of identifying, among other things, our values.
-- Chip Espinoza -
There were times my immaturity kept me from being all I wanted to be.
-- Len Elmore -
I am interested in marginality, in immaturity, in naïveté, in illusion, in fictions, in transitions, in the fact that at a certain moment in life there is no limit. I would like my photography to pose a question rather than make a precise statement.
-- Lise Sarfati -
People who are angry at themselves sometimes blame others. It's a sign of immaturity.
-- Jeanne Phillips -
There's really quite a beautiful marriage between Milady's ingenuity and D'Artagnan's immaturity. When they first meet, she's trying to frame him. She's using him for a certain reason. They haven't just met by coincidence. She's singled him out for a reason. She knows that she can almost make D'Artagnan do what she wants to, and that's when D'Artagnan's immaturity comes out.
-- Luke Pasqualino