Fawns famous quotes


  • Once to every man and nation comes the moment to decide.

  • Something is mighty wrong with our priorities when professing Christian men joke about their wives, joke about their children, and joke about God, but fight to the death over their favorite sports team.

  • Folk parapsychology, an art and science designed to enable people to make effective use of their psychic talents

  • To give, and not demand that others receive . . . that is the crossover point to maturity. . .

  • All non-trivial abstractions, to some degree, are leaky.

  • When an institution goes through an inflection point, it has to institutionalise itself. That institutionalisation requires governance to be put in place, governance processes.

  • The rule of thumb for the old backpacking was that the weight of your pack should equal the weight of yourself and the kitchen range combined. Just a casual glance at the full pack sitting on the floor could give you a double hernia and fuse four vertebrae. After carrying the pack all day, you had to remember to tie one leg to a tree before you dropped it. Otherwise you would float off into space. The pack eliminated the need for any special kind of ground-gripping shoes, because your feet would sink a foot and a half into hard-packed earth, two inches into solid rock.

  • When you hug someone, never be the first to let go.

  • People recognize something's going to happen, and they'd better get ready.

  • History informs us of past mistakes from which we can learn without repeating them. It also inspires us and gives confidence and hope bred of victories already won.