Born Again famous quotes
I don't know whether you have any rights before you're born. All I know is that being born again doesn't entitle you to twice as many.
-- A. Whitney Brown -
And let me die suddenly, to be born again in the revelation of beauty....And the revelation of beauty is the wisdom of the ancestors.
-- Aime Cesaire -
Why are we born? We are born so that we will not have to be born again.
-- Ajahn Chah -
All of us heal in time. The strongest are born again. We only keep the scars we choose to keep.
-- Alethea Kontis -
Let me be reborn. I would like to be born again twenty-five times to spread Lord Buddha's Dhamma.
-- Anagarika Dharmapala -
When you're born again, your DNA changes. You have the ability to understand God's terms.
-- Bill McCartney -
I'd rather be a born-once hog than a born-again Christian any day ...
-- Carolyn Chute -
Describing yourself by your earthly nativity is carnality. Being born again, your nativity is of divinity.
-- Chris Oyakhilome -
When you got born again your past was not erased, it became non-existent.
-- Chris Oyakhilome -
The artist must create himself or be born again.
-- Denise Levertov -
Being born again happens in an instant. Learning to live as a child of God takes a lifetime.
-- Derwin L. Gray -
Die and born again, die and born again. It's the story of my life.
-- Donatella Versace -
Being born again means you have a new concept of yourself
-- Dyan Cannon -
The rain on my chest is a baptism - I'm born again.
-- Frank Miller -
When a child is born the mother also is born again.
-- Gilbert Parker -
I have been born again and again and each time, I have found something to love.
-- Gordon Parks -
I maintain that to tell a person they are born again, while they are living in carelessness or sin, is a dangerous delusion.
-- J. C. Ryle -
The gift of sonship to God becomes ours not through being born, but through being born again.
-- J. I. Packer -
If you're not a born-again Christian, you're a failure as a human being.
-- Jerry Falwell -
All perishes, all decays, all is born again.
-- Leonid Andreyev -
It were worthwhile to die, if thereby a soul could be born again.
-- Mary Slessor -
The one who is truly born again will love the Word of God.
-- R. A. Torrey -
When you learn to read you will be born again...and you will never be quite so alone again.
-- Rumer Godden -
Life begins when we begin and each day we ought to be born again.
-- Sterling W Sill -
If individuals can be born again, why can't cities, made up of many individuals, be born again?
-- C. Wagner