Thinkable famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • I am firmly convinced that you shouldn't necessarily emphasize hedonism, especially at the beginning of a career, but should instead focus entirely on performance.

  • In a time of turbulence and change, it is more true than ever that knowledge is power.

  • Are people happier with a smaller range of experiences?

  • I believe my speed begins when I round first base.

  • As a Baptist minister, I don't have the right to impose my views on anyone else. If committed gay and lesbian couples want to marry, that is their business; none of us should stand in their way

  • It's always good to have no expectations when you see a film. Then you can be pleasantly disappointed or surprised.

  • Someone must transform income into the food, shelter, clothing, nurture, discipline, education, minding, nursing, transportation, and emotional support that creates life outside of the office, permits survival of the race, cares for the ill and disabled, and makes life livable when we can no longer care for ourselves.

  • I know that I've been given more than beyond measure. I come alive when I see beyond my fears. I know that I've been given more than earthly treasure. I come alive when I've broken down and given you control.

  • Do not fear death so much but rather the inadequate life.

  • Public opinion rarely considers the needs of the next generation or the history of the last. It is frequently hampered by myths and misinformation, by stereotypes and shibboleths, and by an inate resistance to innovation.